Reading Notes: Chinese Fairy Tales, Part B

The Flying Ogre The Chinese Fairy Book, ed. by R. Wilhelm and translated by Frederick H. Martens (1921):
There was a monk and that often wondered lonely areas. One day he saw a hollow tree. He could see the sky above shining into it.
Then a saw a girl in a red coat running as fast as she could and was also barefoot. She told him she needed his help to save her life. She told him a man was looking for her and to tell him that he had not seen her. She then ran up into the hollow tree.
Finally he saw the man she was referring to and was on a horse carrying a bow and a sword. The stranger asked the monk if he had seen a girl in a red coat, to which the monk replied with "no".
The stranger demanded that the monk not lie because she was an ogre. A very bad ogre and that he was sent to kill her because she brings ruin. The monk finally confessed and pointed to the tree and the man and his horse went up.
Eventually the monk saw a rain of blood come down and figured that the ogre must have been caught.

How the River God’s Wedding Was Broken Off The Chinese Fairy Book, ed. by R. Wilhelm and translated by Frederick H. Martens (1921):
In the distract containing the Yellow River, the river god was seen as having great power. The sorcerers and witches claimed that every year the river god demanded a wife or else the rain and wind would not be right and crops would fail. 
When a girl from a rich family would come of age the sorcerers and witches would claim that she was the chosen one. Often the families would pay them to choose someone else and so they would. They then would make the rich pay for a poor girl to be thrown into the river as the river gods bride. 
When the new governor heard of all of this he was not comfortable with it. He told the sorcerers and witches to let him know of the next wedding because he wanted to be in attendance. When the day came the governor dressed in robes and headed to the river in his chariot. Before the ceremony began he said that since he was here that the river god should come fetch his bride for himself. He shoved one of the witches into the rover and told her to go find him. After waiting with no return he pushed another witch in to go do the same. Again, no return. The rest of the witches and sorcerers pleaded for mercy. The governor send the bride home and the tradition was over form that point on. 

Yangshuo River. Tefl Search, 2013. Flickr.
